Health benefits of parsley seed


If there are germs, infections and diseases, the parsley seed is your ally. But why? Perhaps because this seed has many antimicrobial properties. In other words, this seed has some components that can kill microbes and inhibit their growth. Therefore, it can effectively provide protection against a large number of infections.

Anti-rheumatic and Anti-arthritis

Rheumatism and arthritis are two diseases that are caused by two main reasons, namely uric acid buildup in the joints and muscles, as well as clogged blood circulation. The parsley  has some properties that can help with both of these causes. First detoxification and purification, which is caused by the diuretic and stimulating properties it has. While a detoxifying effect accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body which purifies and refreshes the blood.


Wounds and some sensitive internal organs can become septic due to infection by microbes. The danger is greater when the wound is dirty or caused by rusty iron objects. Sepsis brings a pain accompanied by cramps, convulsions and even hydrophobia (if it develops in tetanus). The cure lies in eliminating microbes and inhibiting growth in the affected area and that's exactly what the parsley seed does. It prevents bacteria from multiplying and eliminates them.


The parsley seed is so astringent. How astringent is it? It can be used to relieve contractions in the gums (which keeps teeth stronger), muscles and skin.


The parsley seed can eliminate gas and relieve problems such as indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, chest pain, high blood pressure and even reduce the risk of heart attacks.


The parsley seed promotes the removal of toxins and other undesirable substances from the body through the urine. This makes it a detoxifier. In this way, it is possible to prevent diseases resulting from the accumulation of these undesirable substances in the body, such as rheumatism, arthritis, boils, skin diseases and many others.


The spicy aroma of the parsley seed triggers the appetite and stimulates digestion and, by increasing the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach.


This property is a contribution to the detoxifying property of this seed. It increases the frequency and the amount of urination. One may wonder how more urination can be beneficial to the body. This is one of the best ways to remove unwanted substances from the body. It eliminates unwanted water, salts and toxic substances such as uric acid, fats, contaminants and germs from the body. By eliminating toxins and uric acid, it protects against diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, boils, moles and acne. By eliminating water and fat, it helps to lose weight and relieve patients of swelling and watering.


Purification means a way to purify the blood. It happens in two ways. First, by removing unwanted substances from the blood and cleaning the blood, so that this seed serves as a detoxifier. On the other hand, by helping the oxygen to reach the tissue, which in turn, this seed presents by stimulating the blood circulation.


The parsley seed is an emmenagogue trait that makes it eligible for late menstruation. It stimulates the secretion of certain hormones such as estrogen that help to achieve this goal. This seed also relieves menstrual problems, such as abdominal cramps and pain, nausea, fatigue and discomfort. These hormones also help puberty in healthy women to keep their reproductive organs (such as the uterus).

Anti-fever agent

In addition to being a cleanser, a detoxifier and an antimicrobial at the same time, this seed is an effective antipyretic, that is, it reduces fever. Thanks to its purifying and detoxifying properties, the level of toxin is lowered in the body, which helps to get rid of many diseases, including fever, which is sometimes due to an increase in the level of toxins in the blood, because the fever is a reaction to abnormal body lift or an adverse change in the body. Then, because of its antimicrobial properties, it inhibits microbial infections, which helps to get rid of fever caused by microbial or viral actions such as influenza, yellow fever, typhus or malaria.


The parsley seed may not be so fast, but it is a good choice for regular administration in cases of chronic hypertension and it has no negative effects. If taken consistently, it helps lower blood pressure.


Having clear intestines is a pleasant sensation and those who suffer from constipation know what it is worth. Here is good news for them. The parsley seed has laxative properties and helps rid of hard and difficult movements, as well as constipation. It increases the drainage of gastric juices and facilitates the downward movement of feces to stimulate peristaltic movement in the smooth intestine.


The stimulating effects can be felt all over the body. The parsley seed stimulates nerves, neurons, blood and lymphatic circulation, digestion, excretion and immune mechanism. That's why this seed keeps the body more active, alert, energetic, strong and safe.


The parsley seed stimulates the stomach, the energy generator of our body. It calms it, ensures the proper flow of gastric juices, reduces inflammation, protects against infections and helps heal wounds and ulcers.


The parsley seed promotes the secretion of certain hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These female hormones maintain uterine health by regulating menstruation and protecting against other uterine problems, such as uterine ulcers and dryness.

Other benefits

The parsley seed is also effective in curing many other problems such as blood vessel fractures, cellulitis, sciatica, colic, hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, cystitis and loss of libido.