Health Benefits of Eating Eggplant

With a wide range of eggplant varieties to choose from, it’s no secret that they’re the perfect addition to just about any meal. Interestingly enough, eggplant have a similar texture to tomatoes, making them perfect for soups, stews and even barbequing.
Delicious fruit is not only full of flavor, but it also packs a punch when it comes to health benefits. Here are 7 benefits:

1. Source of vitamins and minerals

The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite extensive. They’re a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium.

2. Benefits for digestion

The high fiber content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to improve your gastrointestinal health.

3. Heart health

The fiber in eggplants does more than just aid in the digestion process, it also helps to improve your heart health. This is because fiber reduces the amount of cholesterol that  body absorbs by binding it with your digestive system’s bile so that your body naturally gets rid of it.

4. Helps prevent cancer

Antioxidants are one of the human body’s best defenses against diseases like cancer, as well as many other potential infections. One of the many benefits of eating eggplant is ingesting the natural antioxidant, manganese. By having a high level of antioxidants like manganese in your body, it will help ensure that organs are protected.

5. Bone health

The unique coloration of an eggplant is more useful than simply being pretty to look at. The natural plant compounds that create this coloration have actually been linked to reduced osteoporosis, stronger bones, and even increased bone density. Additionally, the iron and calcium found in eggplants are crucial improving and preserving overall bone health.

6. Help with anemia

Iron deficiency can result in anemia, which is characterized by a general feeling of tiredness and weakness caused by not having enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Eating foods like eggplant that are high in iron can help combat health conditions like anemia.

7. Boosts brain function

Eggplants are rich in natural chemicals called phytonutrients, which have been known to improve mental health. This benefit is a result of increased blood flow throughout the body and into the brain. By delivering more blood to the brain, phytonutrients help boost memory by stimulating your neural pathways to develop.