Loads of vitamins
175 grams of this red fruit contain around 30 % of the daily requirement of vitamin C and about 36 % of the vitamin K requirement. In addition, pomegranates are rich of folic acid and potassium. However, the kernels are very sweet: 175 grams contain about 24 grams of sugar and 144 kilocalories. Moreover, considering their multitude of vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant substances, this is forgivable.
Anti- inflammatory effect
Its ingredients inhibit inflammation, especially in the digestive tract. In addition, they can help to reduce inflammatory processes in breast cancer and colon cancer. Studies have also found that taking 250 ml of pomegranate juice every day, for more than three months, reduces inflammation markers in the body by about one-third.
Reduces tumor growth
This fruit has also found its place in cancer researches. Studies show that daily consumption of 250 ml of pomegranate juice severely restricts cancer cells' growth. This is applied to both prostate and breast cancer cases. Of course, pomegranates can’t cure, but the fruit may seem to help slow down the spread of cancer cells.
Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure is often the reason of serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Drinking pomegranate juice on a regular basis significantly lowers high blood pressure and affects positvely both blood vessels and heart.
Relieves joint pain and osteoarthritis
There are many different types of osteoarthritis. The anti- inflammatory ingredients of pomegranate therefore provide relief in case of problems. As studies have shown, pomegranate extract is able to block enzymes that have been shown to be involved in the development of osteoarthritis.
Reduces heart disease risks
Regularly consuming pomegranate or its juice has proved reducing cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is one of the causes of calcification of arteries and thereby co-induces heart attacks. So lowering your cholesterol level by taking advantage of the pomegranate does not just do your heart a favor, it's really good!
Improves memory
Studies have shown that patients who were given two grams of pomegranate extract had less memory loss after surgery than the control group. Studies on elderly persons showed that daily 250 ml of pomegranate juice demonstrably improve both linguistic and visual memory.
Provides necessary energy
Studies on athletes have shown that one gram of pomegranate extract taken 30 minutes before training, has been shown to improve blood flow. This leads to a later fatigue, an increase in training effectiveness and thus fitness .Surely more studies will follow, but the first signs are positive.
Combats bacterial infections and fungal infections
Grenades can help fighting harmful microorganisms. They are an effective weapon against various types of bacteria and help prevent infections and inflammation in the mouth. If you often have sores in the mouth or gingivitis, you can find help during the consumption of this fruit.
Treats hair and skin issues
This fruit is a good source of vitamin C and its oil renews the skin, repairs the damage and leaves it moist and smooth. It nourishes Hair, strengthens its roots and treats its issues. All these benefits can be realized through many skin and hair care receipts.